zondag 13 december 2009

My weekend

So i had a busy weekend , saturday i went to the movie komt een vrouw bij de dokter. My god it was so sad that i could'nt even sleep that night. And sunday i had a late sinterklaas day with my team. It was hilarious we first went to the game of my coaches they call themselves the blue-white tigers and the whole team makes the this sound oewah oewah oewa. So there we were my teammates and i makes those sounds and calling them those names. And after that we played the sinterklaas game. And then we had a nice dinner with everyone. So i was eating my nice frikandel and frites, and write away started to feel sick. So i wnet home at 8. That sucked but it was still a nice day. Today i have to go to school were i am already, ive been sitting here for fifteen minutes now. That means i was here at 8.15!. Unbelieveble and i have to wait till its 10.30 so 2 ours alone in this huge school, That Sucks! . But i have to stop blogging now because there is always a lady behind 1 of the computers and she will block my computer if i dont stop out of my self and there goes my blog. But i dont wanna stop yet my god now im just really scared she's gonna come here. And say STOP YOUR COMPUTER OR I'll EAT YOU! oke im just joking thats a bit overdramatic haha. Well i'll talk to you guys later today. Because my day is gonna be boring again thanks to my broken ankle! lots of love.

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